Exploring Provenance in NFT's Through the Lens of Cryptopunks

A documentary that delves into the world of Cryptopunks and their origin.

About Us

We are a team of Crypto and NFT enthusiasts passionate about exploring the concept of provenance in NFT's, with a focus on Cryptopunks. A tale that starts in 2017 with the creation of Cryptopunks and tells the dramatic events that unfolded in early 2022 led by the Founders of the V1 Cryptopunks movement Psyborg® and FrankNFT. Psyborg® recently completed Documentary Filmmaking and Cinematography cources in London, UK in preparation for the production of this movie which is currently filming in various countries around the world. Psyborg's creative direction and rich history in the blockchain and NFT industries is sure to aid in the creation of an artistic and informative documentary that will be sure to inspire and entertain.

Filming throughout 2024 at NFT-Paris, NFT-NYC, Banana Conference (Tallinn, Estonia), NFTUK and various other locations accross the world. Using a high specification cinema camera and vintage canon lenses we hope to produce a documentary that is not only informative but also beatifully shot and edited.


We are interviewing people from a range of backgrounds including NFT artists and collectors, developers, NFT Project Founders, Cryptopunks claimers, pair owners and community members from both V1 and V2 communities.

While exploring the provenance issues with Cryptopunks we will also be discovering what provenence means in the wide NFT eco-sphere. Also looking at projects that are influenced by Cryptopunks and artists that have embraced this new and exciting technology will be an integral part of ouot film making process.





The Cryptopunks community


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